As investors expand their portfolios, they have greater demands on their time, but also a more pressing need to be better informed. Not every detail can be automated, nor can every activity be so easily quantified. We help you to stay on track: of valuations, ROI, sector, and competitor analysis and with efficient scrutiny of the day-to-day running of companies.
We deliver a variety of services that aim to be genuinely helpful. We can work closely with portfolio company leaders to guide you through any issues you may have – it is likely we have encountered similar concerns before. These can range from areas as diverse as IT and finance, from marketing to pricing. We can act as the eyes and ears for investors, and as an intermediary to save you as much time as possible.
By ensuring that no critical operational and competitor details are overlooked, we offer you reassurance that your energy is well spent. In our experience 90% of queries can be resolved without investor involvement – freeing up your attention so you can focus on strategic initiatives and where you can truly add value.
On completion of a deal, normally, the business angel has a legal right to be represented on the board. An appointed observer can represent you and become your eyes and ears. They ensure that no information of merit slips by you. Our observers have the skills to steer management in the right direction during volatile times and will always act in your intere
Corporate structuring is a process of identifying and negotiating the best company valuation, financing options and legal structure of the deal. Once the terms of the deal have been agreed by you, the next step is to conclude the necessary legal procedures and submit all statutory documents.
As an angel investor you will also require certain instruments to be set up to ensure visibility, an effortless information flow and full transparency. This is a vital part of the investment on-boarding process and good practice in portfolio management. Without adequate portfolio management tools and setup procedures, administration time can easily double.