Portfolio Management

As investors expand their portfolios, they have greater demands on their time, but also a more pressing need to be better informed. Not every detail can be automated, nor can every activity be so easily quantified. We help you to stay on track: of valuations, ROI, sector, and competitor analysis and with efficient scrutiny of the day-to-day running of companies.

What do we offer?

We deliver a variety of services that aim to be genuinely helpful. We can work closely with portfolio company leaders to guide you through any issues you may have – it is likely we have encountered similar concerns before. These can range from areas as diverse as IT and finance, from marketing to pricing. We can act as the eyes and ears for investors, and as an intermediary to save you as much time as possible.

By ensuring that no critical operational and competitor details are overlooked, we offer you reassurance that your energy is well spent. In our experience 90% of queries can be resolved without investor involvement – freeing up your attention so you can focus on strategic initiatives and where you can truly add value.

Busy investors often become adept jugglers. But when you need an extra set of steady hands, we help to make balancing multiple investments that bit easier.
59 Grosvenor street, Mayfair, London, UK W1K 3HZ

Copyright © 2021 Galaev & Co Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 10710019. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference number 922358.